Friday, January 17, 2014

Week 17: The (non)Dreamer

I hardly ever remember any of my dreams when I wake up. The only remember two dreams and they are both from awhile ago. The oldest dream I remember is it took place in the wild west in a desert town with a forest. There were three children locked up in a wooden box or something and somehow they escaped. Then, they were being chased by native americans and then a native american girl stopped them and helped the children. Then the children found a dry creek bed in a hill and they found a cave and rolled a rock over the mouth of the cave and left a crack for air. The second dream I remember is this weird zombie dinosaur apocalypse where my dad was dad on the hood of a dented fiery car. There is one other dream that I have from time to time and it is always the same, but I can't remember what it is about after I wake up, only that it is familiar.

1 comment:

  1. It would be awesome to be stranded in a deserted desert town.
