Saturday, December 14, 2013

Week 15: The Exploits of 2 Extremely Chill Dudes

If Mr. Showers were to steal the governments weather machine, Stone, my trusty companion, and I would have to take him on by ourselves because we are the only ones with enough epic take down/ spy/ fighting/ basketball/ jujitsu/ karate/ matrix/ alien slaying/ dragon exterminating/ bad dude brawling skills. Miranda is my bestie. Continuing with the story now, we would find his secret lair of evil and then blockade it from the outside world with our cloaking and force field devices on our vehicles of mass awesomeness. Then we would just slowly bait him outside by cooking good smelling food right outside his door. When he would finally come out of hiding, we would invite him to join us for the meal and then when he would sit down, the cloaking device would turn off and he would find out he was actually inside our driving/ flying mechanism. Next, we would fly away and blow up his sanctuary so no one could use that terrible machine ever again.


  1. you guys got some crazzyyyy skills let me know how those work lol.......bit him with food sounds like hes a dog haha

  2. Quite the crazy plan you got there:)

  3. your blog is hard to read too!! Gah. And I know I am your bestie:P
